Thursday, May 24, 2012

Musings on a Late-Night Publix Run

These are my thoughts on my trip to Publix that I just got back from.

-It's an interesting group of people that are shopping in the final hour of a supermarket being open. I'm not one to judge, particularly as I don't have kids of my own, but I can't imagine when you've got a young toddler that a post-9pm Publix trip should be a "grab everything you need" trip. A full cart and a melting down child don't seem like the best combination.

-I've reached a strange point in my life when I go to Publix so late because I haven't had enough vegetables. The purpose of the trip was to grab tomatoes and cucumbers so I could have my salad. Never thought I'd see the day.

-Breyer's Company: Putting Oreo cookies in chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla? Feel free to throw your hat in the ring to run this country. You've got my vote in November if you do.

-I have zero idea how a Subway survives right next door to a Publix. Unless you're getting a promotional sub of a certain size that only costs a single bill with President Lincoln on it, they're the same price. Why someone would take Subway meat over a real deli less than 100 feet away is something I will never understand.

-The deli staff at the Publix on the corner of 535 ad 192... What a collection of weirdies. But still, consistently friendly and good at what they do. Kudos.

-Dude in the Produce Department: There's a good chance that I have my earphones in because I'm not looking for much interaction. But you know what really fries my rice? When you get my attention, get me to take out my earphones so you can talk to me, and use that opportunity to rip on my baseball team because I'm wearing a Marlins shirt. You, sir, are an ass (and my baseball team has won twice as many championships as yours has in the time we've existed. So suck it).

-Lady Bagging My Groceries: First and foremost, I highly doubt that your name is "Phfazzy." That notwithstanding, my encounter with your produce comrade almost made me keep my earphones in at the checkout. It's just courtesy. But holy goodness. For you not to acknowledge me or the two other people before me? Really? Because you're busy reading the Publix weekly ad? Holy crap.

That is all. I miss blogging.

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