Wednesday, June 8, 2011

C'mon, Guys!

Dear Producers of Friday Night Lights,

I've done nothing but sing your praises for the past 5 years (With the exception of the Tyra/Landry/murder storyline. But we're pretending that never happened). I own each season of your show on DVD. You have crafted one of the most realistic-feeling shows I've ever watched. You have an uncanny ability to get me to care for these characters as if they were real people. I'm exceptionally saddened that there are only 5 episodes left of your show.

That being said, if you plan on bringing back a beloved character for the surprise emotional climax of one of your last episodes, DON'T LIST THE ACTOR'S NAME IN THE GUEST STARS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE EPISODE.



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Love Living in Florida

I have an inability to get to sleep sometimes. Well, kind of a lot. I wouldn't call myself an insomniac, because I usually sleep every night, but it's usually no more than 4-6 hours. This is why I'm cranky when I wake up. Almost always. Just plain cranky. Don't speak to me within the first 20 minutes of being woken up unexpectedly.

Since sleep is precious, you see, I become rather consternated (spell-check says that's not a word. I beg to differ. I just used it as one. take your red squiggly* line elsewhere). So, last night, at 2:35 in the morning, it sounded like my upstairs neighbors dropped an anvil on the floor, jarring me from my about-to-be-asleep state. I've had issues with them before, so I was not pleased at all that this was happening again. I considered pulling a Mr. Heckles, and banging the end of my broom on the ceiling obnoxiously. I considered another nasty-gram expressing my displeasure at the recurrence of the noise problems. But I knew if I got too riled up, I wouldn't get to sleep at all, so I let it go, and went to sleep.

A friend of mine was chatting with me today about how she'd been up late playing with her dog and a similar loud noise terrified the pup. I mentioned how weird it was that we both heard my anvil-dropping neighbors, considering she lives 20 minutes away from me in a house that has no upstairs at all. I learned that the noise wasn't in fact my neighbors, but the sonic boom of the space shuttle Endeavour returning to our atmosphere.

You got lucky, upstairs neighbors. This time.

*"Squiggly", incidentally, is a real word and doesn't get a red squiggly line beneath it.