Friday, January 21, 2011

Why I'm Going To Die Alone (Part 1 of Many)

Let me start by saying I'm not necessarily proud of this post, but it just made me nerd-giddy, so I had to post it.

So, two Starfleet officers are on shore leave on a resort-like planet. They're at a bar, scoping out exotic women. One spots a pair that he deems attractive behind the other one. How does he let him know?

"Hey, Malcolm. Bearing 1-8-0."

Teehee. I'm a nerd. Deal with it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Well that was fast....

So, I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to upload a picture every day for the next year, but I sure as hell didn't expect the streak to end so quickly. Oh well. It's been a hell of a week. I'm trying to keep spirits up, and one of the ways I will try is by writing. Here's my picture for today:

You've got to be kidding me, right? There's enough of this drivel to necessitate three entire sections at Barnes & Noble? (There is another one right behind me that you can't see). It makes me sad. I was talking with Ash and Becki about this (check out both of their blogs as well. I follow them) and I get that it's a fad. But I'm much more okay with reading Goosebumps books than I am with kids reading this. I don't know why all this vampire junk stirs up such emotion in me, but ugh. I fear for children. Please, if you're a teenage girl, and you're reading this, and need something to replace these books, let me know and you can borrow some Encyclopedia Brown or Choose Your Own Adventure books.

And, on a sidenote: I take all these pictures on my phone, and email them to myself to upload here. So far, each of the pictures has had a file size of more than 1MB. The picture of my first meal of 2011 was 1.3MB. Those plastic, non-floppy, floppy disks (the 3.5" version) could only hold a maximum of 1.44 MB. That disk could barely hold that one picture. A dorky sentiment, perhaps, but how cool is that? That my phone can hold over 1000 times what was the standard mobility option for memory 12 years ago.

Oh well. Just stuff I think about.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Today's picture:

Really? You're going to serve me breakfast without being in operation? I think this particular Applebee's is trying to tell me that I'm free to use their tables if I bring my own breakfast.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Comfort Food

So, for day one of the photo experiment, I'm posting something I'm rather proud of. Behold, my first home-cooked meal of 2011

That is a lemon pepper chicken with a potato onion and corn hash and a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. It was kind of a gloomy day for me and I felt like comfort food was needed. Luckily, this meal was already begging to be made by my temporary roomie, so it got made on a day I really needed it. AND! I got on good authority that there's a new cookie craze sweeping the nation: Scotchies

There they are. Oatmeal cookies with little butterscotch chunks in them. They're no oatmeal raisin, but they're certainly a delightful treat in case someone isn't a fan of raisins. Quasi-interesting nugget of information on my life: I do not like oatmeal. I do not like raisins. But oatmeal raisin cookies are my favorite cookies of all time.

Hopefully the next picture will have a better story. Or something funny related to it. But tonight ended with a phone call that made my heart happier than any comfort food could, so here's hoping we ride that wave into tomorrow.

Friday, January 7, 2011


It's a new year. People make resolutions to better themselves. I'm going to make a concerted effort to write here more. I used to write in a journal all the time and it would often make me feel better to vent and put my thoughts into words, so this will be my resolution. We'll see how well it works. In addition, I'll be trying the great picture experiment. I'll be posting a picture a day for the next 365 days. The rules as dictated to me: I have to be the one to take the picture, and the picture should be taken that day. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, here's to a great 2011!