Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Write Alphabetical Advice

Ask "How's it going?" instead of saying "You look terrible."
Best friends are just family that you get to choose. Don't choose lightly.
Courage and honesty are different things. But oftentimes the most important truths require courage to tell.
Don't talk to people while they poop. It's weird.
Eat at places that you can't eat at home when you travel.
Free food always beats no food.
Give better than you get 
Having money doesn't mean you need to spend it.
If someone holds a door open for you, say thank you. Even if it's their job to do it.
Jokes aren't funny if you have to explain them.
Knowing when to keep your mouth shut is just as important as knowing when to speak up.
Listen to edutainment podcasts. Learn something while you laugh.
Movie conversation: only acceptable if both parties have seen the movie. And even then, you both have to be okay with it.
Never use absolutes
Offer help when it's needed. Don't be too proud to accept it when you need it.
Please and thank you every time will get you things you don't deserve from people when you really need them
Quit holding on to grudges. Likelihood is the other person cares significantly less than you do.
Relish opportunities to dress up. You'll feel different in a well-tailored suit.
Swimming. Riding a bicycle. Changing your own oil. Cooking more than just pasta. Playing a musical instrument. All skills you don't NEED to but should learn
Talk about things other than work.
Understanding and comprehension are more impressive than speed. No one cares that you finished your book in a day if you can't intelligently discuss what you read.
Very often, she'll be the one who's right.
Wallowing needs to happen sometimes. It's got a 48 hour expiration date.
X rated content is plentiful on the Internet. Don't ever pay for it.
Your word is your bond.
Zebras are genetically more related to giraffes than horses. (See what I said about learning while you enjoy yourself?)